£499.99 GBP

The soft, face-framing waves of PATCHOULI's textured “lob” (longer bob) are the epitome of nontraditional chic. Roll with her natural waves, or get your flat iron and wear her straight and sleek—our proprietary Hairware human hair blend allows you to heat style to your heart’s content!


Almond Breeze, Amaretto & Cream, Black, Chocolate Caramel, Chocolate Cherry, Cinnamon Raisin, Creamed Coffee, Dark Blonde, Dark Brown, Dark Grey, Dark Red, Frosted, Ginger Cream, Golden Nutmeg, Light Blonde, Light Brown, Light Grey, Lighter Red, Medium Blonde, Medium Brown, Medium Grey, Mocha Frost, Sparkling Champagne, Toasted Sesame, Vanilla Butter

Check out the colours here: Hairware Colour Chart